Talk Like an Egyptian
Join Mai, Amy and Ella for our fortnightly long-distance catch-ups! Most of our discussions are centred around the perks and downfalls of being both half Egyptian and half British in the various countries we live in. [Jingle credit: Shesh Pesh - JR Tundra from YouTube Free Music Audio Library]
Talk Like an Egyptian
٥. Ramy Review Part II
Talk Like an Egyptian
Season 1
Episode 5
Audio Player
00:00 | 38:42
Stay with us as we continue dissecting Season 2 of the first-Muslim-American-Emmy-nominated, renewed-for-season-3, all-round-highly-esteemed tv show! We chat a bit more about Dina's character, our wishes for season 3, and we awkwardly tread around the most awkward scene this season (we know you know which one we are referencing!). SPOILERS ALERT. instagram: @talklikeanegyptian